Established in 2014
It all started with ReviewRail V1 in 2014 in good-old Austin Texas. Stephen and his wife Lisa were living there and needed a platform for their small business clients. They worked with a developer and ReviewRail was born (along with their son Mason that year). They then moved to Fairfield Connecticut and were out with some local parents and met Dom and his wife Stefanie. Dom and Stephen got to talking and BAM! They decided to join forces.
With Dom’s ninja, wizard-like software engineering skills and Stephen’s marketing background it was a match made in heaven. They decided to completely revamp the platform and Dom built it from scratch. With lots of hard work, late nights and weekends buried in their computers ReviewRail V2 was launched in 2020.
Fun facts about us.
Instead of giving you some boring bio about ourselves,
we decided to give you a fun fact that slightly embarrasses us.

Stephen Alberts (Co-founder)
Stephen likes to surf, golf, hang with his kids (Mason and Lola) and has watched every season of The Bachelor (yikes) with his wife Lisa.

Dom DaFonte (Co-founder)
Dom likes running, fishing, solving puzzles, and spending time with his wife and daughter. He starts every morning with a strong cup of coffee (He’s addicted).